Workshops at:
The Norwegian Seamen’s Church
317 East 52nd street, NY
Instructor: Helga D Storbekken, Oslo, Norway
Learn about Norwegian Birds
Children : Ages 8 -14
Number of students: 10
Sessin time: 1 day, 2 ½ hours, May 21st 2014
During the course of Drawing and Sculpture Workshop:
Drawing Blind: Two warm-up exercises –Drawing is seeing
We begin with a fun exercise and get to know each other.
Follow Helga’s (course instructor) finger without looking at the paper!
Watch as she draws her own face in the air. Suddenly there it is an amusing portrait of Helga, the instructor.
Drawing Blind Portraits of each other
We will make living lines with a pencil.
Sit in pairs opposite each other.
These two exercises are good for visualizing what we want to draw.
What do the eyes, hair, nose, mouth and throat look like?
The pencil in the hand moves in step with what the eyes see, without looking at the paper or your hands.
As you draw each other, watch and see how the drawings come to life. We don’t take ourselves so seriously
Blind drawing requires concentration and at the same time it is lots of fun!
For more information about courses please click on following brouchers.
Drawing with Pencil and pastels
Participants will be asked to select a picture of a small Norwegian bird. They will then be asked the draw the bird, and to pay close attention to the bird’s shape size and color, in preparation for making a sculpture.
Making the sculpture of the bird
Participants will use clay, polystyrene, plaster of Paris and steel wire to make their sculptures. Each will be provided with a polystyrene “body” of a bird. Layers of air-dried clay will then be added, followed by a final layer of plaster of Paris. When the clay and plaster of Paris are completely dry, the bird is ready to be painted. The finished sculpture can then be set aside on a shelf to dry.
Autumn 2014
Maya's School of Music and Performing Art has recently opened in New York City. The school will gradually expand the educational offerings to include classes in:
- Drawing and Sculpture
- Courses in resealing (rosemaling, traditional Norwegian rose painting).
Norwegian rosemaling
Rosemaling, the decorative folk painting of Norway is today taught in many areas of Europe and the USA. You can take a course at Mayas School of Performing Arts in New York City.
We will arrange courses over 4 days, usually from Thursday to Sunday.
Read more about rosemaling below.
Pease don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
You can reach us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">.
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» Prices
Trygve Lie Gallery was established to contribute to the promotion of Norwegian, Norwegian-American and Scandinavian art to a broad audience in the city of New York.